Page name: Fantasy Critters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-03 18:38:49
Last author: kanaseria
Owner: RenegadePhoenix
# of watchers: 39
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Welcome to Fantasy Critters United

A place where your fantasy self or critter can frolick... We are also a little nuts too O_o


Let your imagination run free

Welcome To Fantasy Critters United a place where you can come and frolick with your fantasy critter or if your a fantasy critter yourself... We welcome anything and everything! So please don't be shy and just add yourself to the list below as a member and please take a badge and place it on your Elftown page. If you need any help with anything or have any questions please contact me through elftown I am [RenegadePhoenix]! Alright have fun, look around as things keep changing so keep coming back to check up on us! :P


I will be making new badges now and then, if you have any suggestions or wish to submit a badge please contact me [RenegadePhoenix] and I will see what I can do. Thanks everyone and enjoy the current badges







I'm doing a badge trade For Dragons United so please check it out if you like dragons! <img:>

(To put your name on the list just go to edit and add your self!)


I know you all you people out there want to be members so go right ahead to the members page and join up!!!

DON'T PANIC: ALL POEMS AND SHORT STORIES HAVE MOVES TO Fantasy Critters Writters! Please go right ahead and add more stuff

fantasy critters shortstories</center>

<center> Do you Have a passion for doodling and drawing? Well Please post your Fantasy Artwork up here Fantasy Critters Art work


Go here Fantasy Critters and Games for a new competitions, games and awards!

Sorry About the Changes Bare with me!

Do you have a picture of a critter you love? Do you want it to be a guardian of one of the Fantasy Critters United Wiki Pages? Send me a message to let me know of which location you want and let me see your pic and your Fantasy Critter may be a guardian! All spots are open... except for the front page, which the Moon Dragon is guardian of and the main Writters Page! but all other pages are currently open and waiting for guardians! So message me if your interested!


three contests geared towards all of our talented individuals in Fantasy Critters United. Stay posted for any updates, as well as to voluteer for various jobs. positions for badge makers, wiki creators, and much more are available. these individuals will also be placed upon a comitte that will help to develop future wiki ideas. message [kanaseria] if you're interested in helping

Username (or number or email):


2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: Konnichi wa!

2004-04-10 [Dark Vampire Queen]: umm..............i dunno wot 2 say in this wiki! i dunno ne1 *hides in a corner*

2004-04-10 [kanaseria]: ya can say wha eva u want... we don't bite... unless u want us 2, lol

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: I bite! But only when I'm hungry.

2004-04-10 [kanaseria]: hehehe

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: You like that song, too?

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: Let it wash away my sanity..

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yes I do. Only song I like by her.

2004-04-10 [kanaseria]: by who *ish completely lost*

2004-04-10 [Gwendylyyn]: oh yeah..nude art contest help me out folks. lol

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: The song is by Hilary Duff.

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: Yeah, same here; only song.

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: The rest of them are dizty and girly.

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: I know; they're annoying as Hell, as is Hilary.

2004-04-10 [Easterling]: ... konnichi wa!

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: I agree TTF

2004-04-10 [Easterling]: Hi, Jons - what are you talking about?

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: Hilary Duff. I only like one of her songs.

2004-04-10 [Easterling]: I haven't heard of her...

2004-04-10 [Gwendylyyn]: i hate her. i want to rip all her ugly blode hair out and toss her into the bottom of the odean for the sharks to eat her

2004-04-10 [Easterling]: O_O .... that's why you're the perfect bouncer..! *LOL*

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: Nice way of torure!

2004-04-10 [Gwendylyyn]: yes, i make a very good bouncer. *smiles all big*

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: She does!

2004-04-10 [Three Tailed Fox]: XD I like to bounce! -poing poing poing poing poing poing-

2004-04-10 [Blaze the Nameless]: Erm............okay.

2004-04-11 [Tigress Nera]: i don't think thats what she meant...

2004-04-11 [Gwendylyyn]: *giggles*

2004-04-11 [Gwendylyyn]:

Ladies, gentlemen. Please check out Candles For Loved Ones and spread the word. Thanks.

2004-04-11 [kanaseria]: wooo!!!! i'm still lost! yay!

2004-04-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: Okay! Whatever you say Vamps.

2004-04-12 [Tigress Nera]: what is it?

2004-04-12 [Gwendylyyn]: grrr. stop asking me what it is. go check it out

2004-04-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: Nice.

2004-04-12 [Gwendylyyn]:'s just that it has a description on the page..and besides...i want people to spread the word and it is pointless for them to do so if they don't even know what they are spreading the word about. guess i'm being a bitch what else is new

2004-04-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: I like it. Its nice.

2004-04-12 [Gwendylyyn]: thanks

2004-04-12 [Blaze the Nameless]: You're welcome.

2004-04-13 [Tigress Nera]: i saw, it was nice.

2004-04-13 [kanaseria]: *blinks*

2004-04-13 [Gwendylyyn]: thanks tigress

2004-04-13 [Tigress Nera]: ur welcome!

2004-04-14 [RenegadePhoenix]: whoa... A weekened off from Elftown... O_O weird..... but I'm back for a lil while ;) sorry my net at home is out for awhile >:| evilness but thats life

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: *giggles* haha!!!

2004-04-14 [GraphicEntropy]: Welcome back.

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: she's gone again!!!! *falls on floor laughing* damn... i think i'm havin 2 much fun wit this... hehehe...evilness

2004-04-14 [Three Tailed Fox]: Kee...

2004-04-14 [Dark Vampire Queen]: ahhhhhhh! is there alot of crazy people here? coz if there is then i'm not so out of place!

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: as long as i'm here this place will always b crazy! and crunchy... hehehe

2004-04-14 [Three Tailed Fox]: I'm more shewy than crunchy.

2004-04-14 [Wild~Fire]: hi! ^.^

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: hehehe

2004-04-14 [Tigress Nera]: my friends say i'm crazy but just because not all the ppl i know are visible doesn't mean its true! O.o

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: Crazy friends are better than none!

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: crazy freinds r the best!

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: Me and my friends are crazy

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: me n mines r psychotic, n most of us r saggitarius's, which makes it dangerous... lol, i need new freinds. mines keep on hurtin eachother, physically!

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: LOL!

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: honeslty me n my freind could pick a bruise n tell u when n who it came from

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: Wow really?

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: yup. especially poor michelle, she the 1 always gettin hurt

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: You have weird realtionships.

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: You've said that already

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: probly... lol. no i just have evil freinds

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: My friends are de coolest!

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: lucky... mines is evil, take [RenegadePhoenix] 4 example... evilness, lol.

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: How many times r u gonna say that? LOL! My friends are the coolest!

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: Interesting

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: lol... dunno

2004-04-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: I thought you and RP where enimes

2004-04-14 [kanaseria]: no, we're freinds... just... evil freinds

2004-04-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: I see.

2004-04-15 [Tigress Nera]: evil friends are fun too! i have one that i'm torturing right now... muahaha

2004-04-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: Interesting

2004-04-15 [grieverx13]: My friends are all mentally I am...MUAHAHAA!!!

2004-04-15 [RenegadePhoenix]: Actually were just here to totally confuse everyone and slowly take over the world but you know .. who knows what will happen.... Hey look.. a pancake..-munch munch-

2004-04-15 [Dark Vampire Queen]: rofl! ok i feel at home sumwhat here!

2004-04-15 [RenegadePhoenix]: Welcome to Fantasy Critters United, sorry I haven't been around much I have no net at home currently and I'm not the biggest person at spending quality time at school.... so.. yah I get on when I can

2004-04-15 [kanaseria]: haha! *points & giggles* o man... i am so gonna get my ass kicked aren't i...

2004-04-15 [Dark Vampire Queen]: rofl ok! i think i fit in perfectly!

2004-04-15 [Tigress Nera]: welcome, new person! u are new right? so much stuff happens, i get confoosed. O.o

2004-04-15 [Blaze the Nameless]: I can understand that.

2004-04-16 [Dark Vampire Queen]: lol im not new! i just havnt talkd 4 awhile coz last time i did no1 sed hello back :(

2004-04-16 [kanaseria]: really? i'm old... i was the second person 2 sign up *ahem... after [RenegadePhoenix] threatened me in2 it*

2004-04-16 [Dark Vampire Queen]: rofl u poor thing!

2004-04-16 [kanaseria]: yup... stupid kelly...

2004-04-16 [Dark Vampire Queen]: i am member number 38

2004-04-16 [kanaseria]: brb

2004-04-16 [RenegadePhoenix]: I didn't threaten you... I asked you nicely while a holding a blunt object

2004-04-16 [kanaseria]: o yeah... an unsharpened sword is reaaaaaally a blunt object... huh...

2004-04-16 [Dark Vampire Queen]: rofl! y would u want an unsharpened sword! get a sharp 1! theyre more fun! *holds shard sword in hand*

2004-04-16 [kanaseria]: u can't bring in sharpened swords in bermuda. it's illegal (not that illegal stuff has stopped me b4) lol

2004-04-16 [Dark Vampire Queen]: rofl well............i dun have 1 either neways :(

2004-04-16 [kanaseria]: lol... omg... i about 2 finish classes 4 the day n i dunno what 2 do!!!!!!!!!!! no!!!!!!!!! i have nuthin 2 do!!!!!!!!!!! augh!!!!!! *very dramatic, lol*

2004-04-16 [Three Tailed Fox]: Wow, I didn't know I could draw anime this well! ^^ If only I had a scanner, then everyone could see it... -sigh-

2004-04-16 [Tigress Nera]: i wanna see!!!!!!!!!! we had a pep rally today and school and now i'm officially a senior! woot! *dances around waving class color banner over head* woot woot!

2004-04-16 [Three Tailed Fox]: lmao I don't have a scanner!

2004-04-17 [Tigress Nera]: i would say mail it to me and i could scan it but that's just a lil crazy! ~.^

2004-04-17 [Blaze the Nameless]: Ello, ello everybody!

2004-04-17 [Wild~Fire]: hi

2004-04-17 [Blaze the Nameless]: :)

2004-04-17 [Easterling]: ello! :)

2004-04-17 [CelticMoon]: Hay all

2004-04-17 [Easterling]: hey there! ;)

2004-04-17 [Tigress Nera]: yoha broha! ^.~

2004-04-17 [Easterling]: wazzup!

2004-04-17 [kanaseria]: hey i've got an idea! somebody say somethin otha than hi! it'd b great! *bounces around hyperly* ooo... so much candy... wheee!!!

2004-04-17 [Tigress Nera]: i want candy! *bounces around and hits sister with bat* hahahaha!

2004-04-17 [IndigoRose]: I would love to join! Giving props to dragon, unicorn, and phoenix

2004-04-18 [Tigress Nera]: i love those! well, i love all kinds of creatures, fantasy or not! hey has anyone seen that movie ella enchanted yet?

2004-04-18 [kanaseria]: no. i gonna c it soon as it comes 2 bermuda (along with my 7 year old cousin n her 2 cousins) stupid little kids *sighs*

2004-04-18 [Tigress Nera]: well the 7 year old might like it. it was nothing like the book, and because of that i am very disappointed. i would jump on my soap box and tell all u ppl, but i'll spare u the torment

2004-04-18 [kanaseria]: yeah, n spare us ur tellin of the end... the kids r... 8, 7, n 6... stupid kids don't like cartoons no more! everything has to b... real *waves arms in spooky ways* what's wrong with the world!

2004-04-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: I don't know. Our world is crumbling.

2004-04-18 [Tigress Nera]: definetly. what is the world coming to when lil kids don't like cartoons?! I'm in high school and i STILL love cartoons! O.o

2004-04-18 [kanaseria]: i'm in college n cartoons rock! woohoo! spongebob!

2004-04-18 [RavenTalon]: I just joined!

2004-04-18 [kanaseria]: hihi! i guess i'll welcome u since [RenegadePhoenix] can't get online atm... consider urself welcomed *shakes hand*

2004-04-18 [RavenTalon]: Thanx!**Shakes Hand**

2004-04-18 [kanaseria]: welcome

2004-04-18 [RavenTalon]: ^-^

2004-04-18 [kanaseria]: wow i'm no good @ the welcoming thing, m i... lol... o well

2004-04-18 [RavenTalon]: O well lol.

2004-04-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: I am so bored

2004-04-18 [kanaseria]: me 2

2004-04-18 [Tigress Nera]: same here. O.o

2004-04-18 [RavenTalon]: Not me!I just finished hunting a mouse that's in my house

2004-04-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: Really? Cool! Don't kill it!

2004-04-19 [kanaseria]: ugh... mices *shudders* i hate mice... vermin i tell u... VERMIN *waves arms in spooky motions* hey thats fun... VERMIN *waves arms more*

2004-04-19 [RenegadePhoenix]: Hello and Welcome to all those New and I guess I owe Kanaseria a thank you... -blink- But anyways Welcome and if ya need anything let me know as well as questions... Um and I do appoligise that I can not get online during the weekened hopefully it will be fixed this week.. I hope O_O

2004-04-19 [kanaseria]: vermin!!!!! i mean... ur welcome *blushes* teehee... methinks i gets a little 2 excited... vermin!!!!! *waves arms*

2004-04-19 [RenegadePhoenix]: Alright when I'm gone [kanaseria] Is offically Second in Command.. as she can call me if anyone gets out of line... and if she gets out of line just head to my home page on elftown and email me :D keep an eye on her for me everyone O_O... hehehe

2004-04-19 [kanaseria]: nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! last time u did that i got spanked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-19 [RenegadePhoenix]: hehehehe I'm evil got to love me

2004-04-19 [kanaseria]: no... must hate evil... evil bad!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-19 [RavenTalon]: Don't worry!I would never kill a mouse!

2004-04-19 [kanaseria]: who's a mouse? what... o yeah... VERMIN!!!!!! *waves arms*

2004-04-20 [Tigress Nera]: i have a mouse! he's my pet! his name is Riki Tiki Tavi RoadKill, or RK. ^.^

2004-04-20 [kanaseria]: eeps... roadkill, interesting choice of name... lol

2004-04-21 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-04-21 [RenegadePhoenix]: [kanaseria] Hehehe Road Kill Cafe!

2004-04-21 [kanaseria]: eeps... lol

2004-04-21 [Dark Vampire Queen]: road kill????????????????// nice name 4 a mouse...........i think! mines named horny rofl!

2004-04-21 [kanaseria]: u people keep mice as pets? so does me cousins. they have an african zebra striped mouse named mo-reece, lol

2004-04-21 [Dark Vampire Queen]: rofl i have a guinea pig 2! and a dog and fish! i had chooks butthey died in the heat!

2004-04-21 [Paul Doyle]: Guinea pigs are fantastic pets if you have limited time ans space . . . they are very affectionate, are generally pleasant, are good for children, and of course they are huggable.

2004-04-21 [kanaseria]: bleh... more vermin

2004-04-21 [Easterling]: but... they're ugly... (*runs to a corner to hide*)

2004-04-21 [kanaseria]: they r. i can honestly say i hate guinea pigs... plus gerbils... hamsters n mice r a little ok tho

2004-04-21 [Easterling]: I don't hate them - I just don't get why someone would like to have his/her appartement/house chewed on and filled with poop-pearls from them... XD

2004-04-21 [kanaseria]: lol!

2004-04-21 [Easterling]: But it's good that someone likes them, I guess... :)

2004-04-21 [Tigress Nera]: i love my lil Riki/Roadkill! I also have a rabbit too. Lil furry critters are great pets, and as long as they don't run loose in ur house, they stay that way. Unlike my previous rabbit. She had run of the house, very demonic, chased my sister. but i luvved her neway. ^.^

2004-04-22 [Paul Doyle]: I could toilet train my guinea pigs, up to a point. Patches and Trumpy, the father/son team par excellance would chatter their teeth and get crotchety when they had to poop or pee. Then when you placed them back in the cage they'd leap out of your hands and do their business in record time, then be endlessly charming critters with empty bladders.

2004-04-22 [Paul Doyle]: On the other hand, we had a guinea pig I named Bette Davis, because she had incredibly beautiful blue eyes like the real Bette Davis. She was the mate of Patches and had several litters. She had this incredible motherly instinct, and would even try licking my wife and I clean (she'd lick our hands). But she could not be toilet trained, no matter what, and she always smelled like Parkay (probably because she was always nursing baby guinea pigs). So my wife re-named Bette Davis "Betty Butter".

2004-04-22 [RavenTalon]: I have a hamster...her name is Boo!

2004-04-22 [Dark Vampire Queen]: my guinea pig is named fidget coz she jumps so much and she sqeals and wriggles all the time!

2004-04-22 [Tigress Nera]: i had a hamster once but it got a tumor and died. evil lil bugger tho, wouldn't let u pick him up for anything. from then on, i never really liked hamsters, but i like everything else!

2004-04-22 [kanaseria]: hey! hamsters r'nt fantasy creatures... unless its a magic hamster n can fly n talk n use a toilet... hey, that's b kool... *imagines* yeah i can c it now... Horatio the hamster... the magic hamster!!!! gasp!!!! i can sell tickets!!!!

2004-04-23 [grieverx13]: I had a pet fighting fish named Chrono, now he's flying about around me...:) cute...

2004-04-23 [kanaseria]: i had 2 fighting fish... heero & ashitaka... n they both died! stupid ashitaka gave heero a fungus. i'll never buy fish from noah's ark again.

2004-04-23 [Tyrana]: Ah, yes. I used to have a fighting fish. He was a cutie. His name was Hankie. Not a fantastic name, I know. He was white, though. He was pretty neat... Wait... Fish from Noah's ark? Do you have to buy them in pairs or something? That would be so cool. "I'm sorry, maam. You can't buy one Chzecoslavakian screaming rhino. You must buy them both. ^_^

2004-04-23 [kanaseria]: lol. no noah's ark is this stupid pet store here... stupid store sellin stupid diseased fish

2004-04-23 [Tigress Nera]: i don't like fish, unless they're well cooked with lemon on a plate.

2004-04-23 [GraphicEntropy]: I hate all food from the ocean. Fish, crab, it's all nasty!

2004-04-24 [Tigress Nera]: really? i like it, well fish anyway, and shrimp. i've never had crab or lobster.

2004-04-24 [GraphicEntropy]: II havn't had lobster, but if it tastes anything like crab, I don't want it. I also havn't had any clams or mollusks.

2004-04-25 [Paul Doyle]: I don't mean to spam this wiki, but if you care about Elftown as a whole, care about the Town Guards (especially [Calico Tiger]), and would like to see justice served to a few fucktards ruining Elftown, please go to [Mordigen]'s stop the revolution and show your support. Thank you.

2004-04-25 [grieverx13]: In pairs? Amusing, never knew that you guys can get pairs, male and female I assume? They don't sell the females here. Lobster? I had loster before...for me, it taste better than crab...*thinks* of course it has to taste costs a bomb!

2004-04-25 [kanaseria]: go 2 who u b? n take my test. new badges 2 b up soon as i can get em done... must stop shamelessly promoting self...

2004-04-25 [Tyrana]: Heehee ^_^ I'm from Maine! Lobster is cheap! 's too bad I hate it!

2004-04-25 [grieverx13]: Ah figures...:P Badges...blargh...havent drawn mine yet...busy with school...

2004-04-25 [kanaseria]: please do my test!!! *begs*

2004-04-25 [grieverx13]: alright, I'll take ya test, gimme a moment...

2004-04-25 [kanaseria]: k

2004-04-25 [Easterling]: I don't know if you've heard about this with the revolution? A few people have been harassing the guards, and the mayor, for they haven't been allowed to put up whatever tasteless pictures they want in their houses. They think that the guards are 'abusing their powers', when all they do is trying to keep ET a nice place for all of us. I think that they do a very good job, and I get very angry when these 'revolutioneers' as they call themselves think that they can harass and insult the mayor, Calico Tiger and others, and get away with it.

2004-04-25 [Easterling]: Go to the stop the revolution -wiki and read more about it. Singing that list would be the way to support the guards and say 1) we don't accept that a few people should destroy the environment on ET, 2) we don't accept people who's harassing the mayor, the guards, or any other ET-member, ...

2004-04-25 [Easterling]: ok... well, now I saw that paul has been telling you about this already... :) sorry... I'm just so angry with this whole thing... Remeber that thing with the punk-list-badges who changed into racist-4-ever-signs? What if the guards didn't take care of that? What if you actually were allowed to write anything in your houses?

2004-04-25 [Tigress Nera]: that would be bad. cuz then ppl would come join and see that, and b like "what kind of place is this?" and then leave.

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: If people were allowed to write anything it would suc

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: I"m signin the revolution ting!

2004-04-25 [GraphicEntropy]: I joined the stop the revolution!

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: So did I!!(Worded it wrong lol)

2004-04-25 [GraphicEntropy]: If we could post anything, this whole site would turn into a porno ring in a matter of weeks, or even days!

2004-04-25 [kanaseria]: i joined! i mean breakin rules is fun but u can only break so many b4 its annoyin... now could some1 do my test please? who u b?

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: I know!...mea!!!!!Icky porness!!

2004-04-25 [GraphicEntropy]: I'll go take it.

2004-04-25 [Easterling]: I did the test, kanaseria, but I'm still waiting for the result...

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: ^-^

2004-04-25 [kanaseria]: i didn't get ur message east, i don't think so anyway

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: She did!!It's in the comments section!

2004-04-25 [kanaseria]: ya i just looked. i got it n gave her her results

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: :)

2004-04-26 [RenegadePhoenix]: Wow.... I feel..... so.... confused...... I wish... my net would work at my house :'(

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: It is refreshing to see other people who do not accept pornography. and/or other tasteless pictures. I'd like to support a healthy and safe atmosphere here in Elftown. I will check out the stop the revolution wiki. and [kanaseria], I'll also check out your quiz hun ^_^

2004-04-27 [Gwendylyyn]: Wait a moment. It is one thing to not accept it but it is another to try to stop others from using pictures they have. There are wikis where it is kept to people 19+ as best as possible and the pictures they have on there are not tastless, they are art. I am not just saying this because of the wiki I have. I know of a few others as well, one of which happens to have numerous guards for members.

2004-04-27 [Easterling]: Is it good that those pictures are limited to those wikis, or do you think you should be allowed to have pornography pictures (because there can be naked art that aren't tasteless, of course) in your own house, too? (just a question...)

2004-04-27 [RavenTalon]: I agree.They did do the art themselves,but naked pictures that are TOO detailed are icky...

2004-04-27 [IndigoRose]: I do agree that nudity can be artistic but when it's tasteful. You can tell the difference between true nude art and pornography used for other intent

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